Spring/Summer 2023 Resource Round Up
Click here to read this resource guide with information on summer fun including summer camps.
Brockton Coordinated Family and Community Engagement program – CFCE
The CFCE program serves families with children Birth-school age. Let us help you access comprehensive services and supports that help to strengthen families and provide optimal child development.
P: 508.580.7491
The Family Resource Center of Community Connections of Brockton
Community Connections of Brockton (CCB) seeks to actively partner with parents, residents, community groups, service agencies, businesses and others who want to strengthen Brockton’s families, neighborhoods and community.
P: 508.857.0272 x1367
1367 Main Street
Brockton, MA 02301
Head Start Program for Children – Self Help Inc. Head Start
Head Start Program provides a comprehensive developmental service for low-income, pre-school children ages 3 to 5 years of age, primarily. Head Start also provides social services for their families.
P: 508.587.1716
Early Intervention – EI
EI provides support to families with infants and toddlers who have developmental delays or are at risk for such delays due to family or environmental challenges. for families with young children Birth - age 3
BAMSI: 508.586.5977
South Bay: 508.559.0473
Brockton Public Schools – School Registration and Parent Information Center
Help available in Cape Verdean Creole, English, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Spanish.
P: 508.580.7950
60 Crescent Street
Brockton, MA 02301
BPS Early Childhood and Special Education at the Barrett Russell Center
Programs, resources, screening and evaluation information for young children ages 3 and 4.
P: 508.894.4418
45 Oakdale Street
PACE Child Care Works
For families seeking financial assistance with child care – vouchers, subsidies, and the Waitlist.
P: 508.999.9930
Parent Child Home Program – PCHP
A home visiting program focused on early literacy and child development for young children.
P: 508.580.7446 / 7491
Healthy Families
A home based family support and coaching program that supports young, first-time parents and helps them create stable, nurturing environments for their children.
P: 774.381.7108
Early Head Start
A program that provides comprehensive services to expectant families and families who have children age Birth-3.
P: 774.226.8978
Brockton Young Parents Service (YPS)
A program servicing young adults 23 or under who are pregnant or parenting with a child(ren).
P: 508.583.3005 x5010
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center – BNHC
BNHC is a multicultural organization that collaborates with community agencies and residents to provide high quality comprehensive health care.
P: 508.559.6699
63 Main St. and 158 Pleasant St.
Women, Infants, and Children – WIC
WIC is a public health program that benefits low- and moderate-income pregnant and parenting women and their families.
P: 508.588.8241
795 Pleasant St.
National Children’s Alliance (NCA) is a professional membership organization on a mission to make one big difference, one child at a time. Reaching everyone with a voice in eradicating abuse—families, advocates, partner agencies, communities, researchers, and all the way to Capitol Hill—our members power a national movement to keep children safe. Featuring the largest network of care centers supporting child abuse victims in the country, NCA is a model in outcome-driven collaboration.
Need help & don’t know where to turn? Find free information about health and human services available in Brockton. Dial 2-1-1